Saturday, February 19, 2011

Lucy & Ellen

Last month I had the pleasure of photographing Lucy The Dog and Ellen The Human as a surprise for Ellen's boyfriend, Nick, for Valentine's Day. Ellen stole Lucy for the morning so we could get the shots done and told Nick that she and Lucy were auditioning for a TV show. I don't know how much Nick was fooled by this, but in the end they really enjoyed the prints. We shot by the water with the Boston skyline as a backdrop for some of the images and really lucked out with beautiful weather (even with the wind and low temperatures). Here are a few of Ellen's favorites. Click to enlarge and Enjoy!

Song of the day: "Sure Shot" by Beastie Boys

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


All I knew last night when I went to sleep was that I was waking up extra early to go shoot somewhere. Somehow I ended up at the Dry Docks area in South Boston. Here's the result ... O, and hot chocolate update, of course: Post-production consisted of a large peppermint hot chocolate. Click to enlarge and enjoy the day!

Song of the day: "Sixteen Military Wives (aka 16x32)" by The Decemberists