I don't post all the photos I create on this blog, but I do try to put some of the more enjoyable ones up. About a week ago I went to the "Get Your Beard On" All American Beard and Mustache Contest in Somerville, MA for the second year in a row. Its a really fun event and they used a couple of my photos in a local paper and on a couple websites to promote this year's event, so there was even more incentive (as if I needed more incentive ... beards!) to return. Other than hilarious beards and mustaches, my favorite part of this event is how friendly everyone is. I love Boston, but sometimes everybody's inexplicable aggression can be a little too much and you just want to be in a friendlier world. That friendlier world apparently has a lot of people with amazing beards and mustaches, as well as people who just enjoy amazing beards and mustaches. It is impossible to leave an event with people like this and not feel better about the world. I've included a few samples below. Some contestants from last year returned, and blew my mind all over again with their hairy face art. So, overall, a great day. Any day laughing a lot and making fun photographs is going to be a great day.
ENJOY ALL O' THIS. Click to enlarge

Song of the day: "Bob Dylan's 49th Beard" by Wilco
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